Job Dictionary using ICF's Activity codes

ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disabilty and Health) published by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2001 is not only for describing disability, but also for describing any human activities including job requirements.

Try to search any occupations. As an introduction of online dictionary functions of the Universal Work Database, you can see the job requirements of the occupation expressed as Activity of ICF.

The job requirements were estimated using O*NET data (ver.6.0). O*NET is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.


The job requirements will be graphically displayed using Adobe's SVG Viewer. Please download and install the plug-in.

Note! It is definitely inappropriate to simply compare job requirements and person's abilities. There are certain possibility to improve the job performance using proper accommodations and technologies. For demonstration of this argument, please try the Universal Work Database, by which you can compare job requirements and person's disability, and further find out possible accommodations and supports throughout our database.

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