Upper level: d2  General tasks and demands

d210  Undertaking a single task

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions related to the mental and physical components of a single task, such as initiating a task, organizing time, space and materials for a task, pacing task performance, and carrying out, completing, and sustaining a task.

(additional explanation: Accomplish a simple act or the act that is complex and adjusted related to a mental and body various elements that compose a single problem. For instance, adjustment of space and material at time necessary for one start to problem and one problem. Decision of one problem accomplishment S. Accomplishment, completion, and maintenance of one problem. )

Inclusions: undertaking a simple or complex task; undertaking a single task independently or in a group

Exclusions: acquiring skills (d155); solving problems (d175); making decisions (d177); undertaking multiple tasks (d220)

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