Health Condition Unspecified
Impairmant of
'Mental functions (b1)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Seeing and related functions (b229)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Hearing and vestibular functions (b249)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Additional sensory functions (b279)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Sensation of pain (b289)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Voice and speech functions (b3)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the cardiovascular system (b429)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the haematological and immunological systems (b439)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the respiratory system (b449)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Exercise tolerance functions (b455)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions related to the digestive system (b539)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions related to metabolism and the endocrine system (b559)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Urinary functions (b639)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Genital and reproductive functions (b679)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the joints and bones (b729)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Muscle functions (b749)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Movement functions (b789)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the skin (b849)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Functions of the hair and nails (b869)'
Activity Limitations
Impairmant of
'Body structures (s)'
Activity Limitations