1 August 2000

Carriculum Vitae

Yuichiro Haruna, Ph.D.

Present Position:

Disability Scientist (Staff Researcher)
National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation
3-1-3 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba
261 Japan
Phone: (81) 43 297-9075
Fax : (81) 43 297-9057
e-mail: yharuna@jaed.or.jp


24 January, 1965
Himeji, Hyogo, Japan





State of marriage:


Education and Academic Degrees:

April 1983-March 1987. B.A. in Health Sciences.
School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, Japan.
April 1987-March 1992. Ph.D in Health Sciences.
Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, Japan

Professional experience:

1992-1994: Research Resident, Japan Foundation for Aging and Health, (in Dept. of Health Administration, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo)
1994-: Staff researcher, National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation
1999-: Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo

Publications (on disablement / environment interaction):

1. Haruna, Y. et al.: A study on physical deconditioning due to habitual inactivity - A consideration on tiredness of working handicapped persons from a viewpoint of manageable impairment. The Bulletin of NIVR, No. 4, 21-32, 1995.
2. Haruna, Y., et al.: Combined effects of disability trait and aging on work ability - Findings from survey of employees with disabilities in Japan. The Bulletin of NIVR, No. 6, 15-28, 1997.
3. Haruna, Y.: A model of structure of vocational disablement with integrated supportive measures - Relationship between ICIDH, rational job management and supported employment. The Bulletin of NIVR, No. 7, 1998.
4. Haruna, Y.: Work situation of patients with chronic disease classified as "intractable" in Japan. The Bulletin of NIVR, No. 7, 1998 .

Publications (others):

1. Haruna. Y., et al. :Gas exchange and cardiovascular responses to tilting during graded exercise. Physiologist Suppl 35(1): S-188-S-189, 1991.
2. Haruna, Y. et al.:Cardiovascular responses to cold pressor and LBNP tests before and after 20-day bedrest. Physiologist Suppl 36(1): S-22-S-23, 1993.
3. Haruna, Y., et al.: Decremental reset in basal metabolism during 20 days bed rest. Acta Physiol. Scand. Suppl. 616, 43-50, 1994.
4. Haruna, Y., et al.: Orthostatic tolerance and autonomous nervous functions before and after 20-days bed rest. Acta Physiol. Scand. Suppl. 616, 71-82, 1994.
5. Haruna, Y., et al.: Activated Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system and its effects on cardiovascular system during 20-days horizontal bed rest. J. Gravitational Physiology 2, 1995.
6. Linnarsson, D., C.S. Sundberg, B. Tedner, Y. Haruna, J.M. Karemaker, G. Antonutto, and P.E.di Prampero: Blood pressure and heart rate responses to sudden changes of gravity during exercise. Am J. Physiology 270* H2132-H2142, 1996.Effects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on the cardiovascular system during 20 days bed rest." J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1):S62-8. (Haruna Y, et al.)
7. Haruna Y, et al.: Baroreflex during exercise in different postures before and after 20 days bed rest." J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1):S53-7. 1997.
8. Abe, T., et al.: Effects of 20 days bed rest on muscle morphology." J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1):S10-14. 1997.
9. Suzuki Y, et al: Effects of 20 days horizontal bed rest on mechanical efficiency during steady state exercise at mild-moderate work intensities in young subjects. J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1):S-46-S52.1997
10. Takenaka K, et al.: Beta-blocker does not improve orthostatic intolerance by 20 days bed rest." J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1): S69-71. 1997.
11. Watanabe F, et al.: Prolonged bed rest impairs response of the small arteries to cold pressor test." J. Gravitational Physiol. 4(1): S72-4. 1997
12. Haruna, Y. & Y. Suzuki: Blood pressure and heart rate responses to sudden changes of posture during 20-days -6‹ head-down tilt bed rest." J. Gravitational Physiol 4(2), P37-38 , 1997.
13. Suzuki, Y. et al.: Effect of a five minutes isokinetic one leg knee extension training on mazimal oxygen uptake during 20 days of -6‹ head-down bed-rest in young male subjects." J. Gravitational Physiol 4(2), P123-124,1997
14. Haruna, Y., et al.: Baroreflex during exercise in different postures before and after 20-days bed rest. J. Gravitational Physiol. Suppl. (in press).
15. Haruna, Y., et al.: Effects of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on the cardiavascular system during 20-days bed rest. J. Gravitational Physiol. Suppl. (in press).
16. Haruna, Y., et al.: Hoffmann-reflex is delayed during 6‹ head-down tilt with balanced traction. Aviat. Space Environ. Med 220-224, 1999
17. Haruna, Y., K.Takenaka, Y.Suzuki, K.Kawakubo, A.Gunji. "Effects of acute saline infusion on the cardiovascular deconditioning after 20-days head-down tilt bedrest." J. Gravitational Physiol 5(1), P45-46 , (Haruna Y, et al.)
18. Suzuki, Y., K. Takenaka, H. Kobayashi, Y. Haruna, K. Kawakubo, A. Gunji. "Effects of physiological salt water injection after 20 days of head down tilt bed rest on maximal aerobic power in young males." J. Gravitational Physiol 5(1), P33-34 , (Suzuki Y, et al.)
19. Haruna, Y., N. Kahan, J.R. Styf, A.R..Hargens. "Hoffmann reflex is delayed during 6o head-down tilt with balanced traction". Aviat. Space Environ. Med, 220-224, 1999.
20. Suzuki, Y., Y. Haruna, A. Gunji. "Relatively shorter but intensive isotonic exercise in legs prevented the decrease in maximal aerobic power after 20 days hed down tilt bed rest in man." 20th Annual International Gravitational Physiology MeetingiOrlando, USAj, 1999.
21. Oba. M., Y. Haruna, Y. Suzuki, JS.Lee, K, Kawakubo. "Degraded diet induced thermogenesis induced by 20-days 6 degree head-down bed rest and the effect of resistance training." 20th Annual International Gravitational Physiology MeetingiOrlando, USAj, 1999